family · knitting

New knitting books . . .

Not much time for blogging today — we spent about 5 hours in town today
to give away some of our baby kittens . . .

new kittens

This picture is when they were a few days old,
but now they’re weaned and ready for a new home!

Everyone must be at the lake, or celebrating graduation this weekend,
because we came home with only one less kitten —
sigh, maybe next weekend!
(anybody want a kitten?)

NOW . . .

just had to share some new knitting books I’ve found recently!

new knitting books

The toe-up sock book is one I’ve been wanting for some time,
and between the two other books, I now have access to over
300 more knitting stitches!  I’ve been just pouring over these books!

The only one I’m waiting for is “Sock Innovation” by Cookie A.

Just . . . can’t . . . wait . . . !