baby afghan · crochet · Etsy · knitting · pattern · socks

Back to crocheting . . . baby afghans!

Well, it’s been a long time since I’ve posted here! 

There have been many things going on in the last few months that have
prohibited me from posting,
not the least of which have been
health issues, moving, and a death in the family.

I am just now starting to add items to my Etsy shop,
my newest of which are hand crocheted baby afghans!

Heirloom Lace Baby Afghan

This is the first Heirloom afghan to join my shop, and I hope to have
several other different styles as well:

Ripple Baby Afghans

Round Ripple Baby Afghans

Car Seat Baby Afghans

I hope to add many more afghans in the near future!

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I am also in the process of relisting my Knitted Sock Patterns at the new price of $3.00!

You can also find these sock patterns in my Ravelry Shop, should you prefer!

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Check back soon — I’ll share here as I list new projects
in my Etsy shop, the Jewell’s Handmades!

Etsy · knitting · pattern · socks · Uncategorized

Quick “before errands” knitting pics …

I’ve got a full day of errands to run today —
between delivering computers to customers for our in home computer business,
and shopping for groceries to keep the 3 (almost 4) teenagers’
and 5-year-old’s tummies full!

But I thought I’d leave you with a picture of my current purse knitting.
I’m playing around with a stitch for a new sock pattern …

I’m enjoying this stitch, but I think when it comes to working up the pattern,
a solid color yarn will show up better for pictures.
I think that this pattern works well with a semi-solid like this,
but it just doesn’t show up well for pictures.

Hopefully, I can get done errands early today,
so I can update more sewing progress here as well!

knitting · socks · Uncategorized

Nothing new under the sun . . .

and in the sock knitting world,
that would have to be referring to Cookie A’s Monkey socks!
This is probably one of her most popular patterns,
and I’ve joined in to knit myself a pair with her fun, easy pattern!

I’ve finished the first sock, and I’m going to bag up the rest of this project
for my self imposed Sock Club (more on that in a future post!)

I really like how the red stripes outline the heel here! Purely an accident, I assure you!

I’ve got several Cookie A. patterns,
most of which are in her wonderful book “Sock Innovation”,
and there are currently three that I have my eye on!
I’m reserving those, however, for when I am up to a challenge!

Monkey Socks by Cookie A.

More details on this sock on my Ravelry page here!